
Concurso Internacional
Dois postos de trabalho para Professor Catedrático
Área disciplinar de Medicina
Faculdade de Medicina


Notificação - 1.ª Reunião

Atos em Notificação: lista de admissão e exclusão de candidatos; deliberação relativa ao cumprimento dos requisitos mínimos de mérito absoluto; deliberação relativa à Audição Pública.

Public Notice no. 1552/2024, published in Diário da República, 2.nd Serie, no. 204, 21/10 - retificação / amendment

Por lapso de redação, no Edital versão inglesa:

Onde se lê:

II.2. To be, on the date of the deadline for submitting applications, holder of a doctorate degree for more than five years, in the disciplinary area for which the tender is open, or in a related area that, complemented with the scientific path, show the ability to work centrally the tender is open.”

 Deverá ler-se:

 “II.2. To be, on the date of the deadline for submitting applications, holder of a doctorate degree for more than five years, and with the title of habilitation "Agregação", in the disciplinary area for which the tender is open (subject area of Medicine), or in a related area that, complemented with the scientific path, show the ability to work centrally the tender is open.

A drafting error in the English version of the Public Notice:

Where it reads:

II.2. To be, on the date of the deadline for submitting applications, holder of a doctorate degree for more than five years, in the disciplinary area for which the tender is open, or in a related area that, complemented with the scientific path, show the ability to work centrally the tender is open.”

It should read:

II.2. To be, on the date of the deadline for submitting applications, holder of a doctorate degree for more than five years, and with the title of habilitation "Agregação", in the disciplinary area for which the tender is open (subject area of Medicine), or in a related area that, complemented with the scientific path, show the ability to work centrally the tender is open.

Public Notice no. 1552/2024, publisehd in Diário da República, 2.nd Serie, no. 204, 21/10
Edital n.º 1552/2024, publicado em Diário da República, 2.ª Série, n.º 204, de 21/10